Pamela Cleaver

Book Cover - Ideas for Children's WritersIDEAS FOR CHILDREN'S WRITERS
by Pamela Cleaver

My book IDEAS FOR CHILDREN'S WRITERS is now available (ISBN 1-84528-066-0). This invaluable resource book for anyone writing for children will help with many aspects of writing your story. There are:

And to save you time in researching, there is a section of lists of things you might want to know, ranging from dates of the kings and queens of England, through quarantine and incubation time for childhood illnesses, to emoticons and short forms for text messaging.



Before you tackle writing a story, here are some exercises and ways of thinking about writing for children that you may find helpful. You are going to need a good sized notebook in which to do the exercises, as well as a pocket notebook that goes everywhere with you in which you jot down impressions, thoughts, book titles, newly discovered words, and story ideas. Somerset Maugham said in A Writer’s Notebook, “For my part I think to keep copious notes is an excellent practice ... They cannot fail to be of service if they are used with intelligence and discretion.”

You are your own best resource
For a children’s writer, his best resource is himself when young. OK, so times and customs have changed, but the essential feelings of children have not. Your best resource for child characters is yourself. Find photos of yourself at 5, (starting school) – 11, (moving to senior school) and 13 – (becoming a teenager) and ask yourself some questions.

Make some lists: